Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tips for Remembering Wedding Anniversaries

by Genna Cockerham

While it is not usual for husbands and wives to occasionally forget important dates or occasions, forgetting an anniversary can cause hurt feelings and misunderstandings. In order to prevent this problem from arising, use traditional methods to provide visual clues that will remind spouses of the important date.
Remember a Wedding Anniversary

The low-tech way to remember a wedding anniversary and other important dates is to keep a calendar, and there are different types of calendars for different organization styles. For example, people who work at a desk may find a desk calendar is the best method to keep track of events but wall calendars and pocket calendars are also useful. Combining a calendar with a highlighter to color-coordinate personal and business obligations can mean the difference between remembering important events and forgetting them.

The key to using a calendar is to ensure that all the important dates are on the calendar in advance. At the end of the each year when it is time to replace the old calendar with a new one, take a few minutes to transfer all the important dates, like birthdays or wedding anniversaries onto the new calendar. At the beginning of each month, glance over the calendar to see if anything is coming up in the month.
How to Remember Dates

Calendars are only effective tools for those who use them. For those who do not use calendars, try placing a paper with the important date in a prominent place. Write the occasion and the date on the paper and place it in the medicine cabinet or tape it to the telephone at work. Simply seeing the words, “wedding anniversary June 12, 1997” will not only serve as a visual reminder, it can also help a husband or wife to learn the date and remember it at all times.
Engrave Wedding Rings for a Reminder

Engraved wedding rings can serve as a reminder as well. If rings were not engraved at the time of the wedding, use an anniversary as an opportunity to add a romantic sentiment and the wedding date to the rings. A partner in the marriage can simply tell his spouse in advance that he’d like to have the rings engraved as an anniversary present to each other. Spouses can choose to have both rings engraved with the same words and date or each can choose the engraving for the other.

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